BloomburgBusiness recently
published an article that pretty much shows the reality of
how much “hardship” is required under the “undue hardship” standard when
determining if a debtor can discharge student loans in bankruptcy. The Headline
“Courts Rule That Disabled Woman Living
Below the Poverty Line Must Repay Student Loans”
“Despite proving that paying back her
student debt would leave her unable to afford basic living expenses, two judges
ruled a woman could not discharge it in bankruptcy.”
According to the
article, an unemployed, disabled, 45 year old woman living far below the poverty
line was not allowed to cancel more than $37,400.00 student debt in bankruptcy.
That statement alone would suggest to most that under the “undue hardship”
provision, she should be one of the rare few that are supposed to be allowed to
discharge student loans in bankruptcy.
BE!” said the Judge, while acknowledging her income was only $10,000.00 per
year derived from Social Security Disability and Public Assistance since 2008.
Even though the debt had grown from the original amount of $13,250.00 to an
astronomical $37,400.00 due to interest and late charges, the Judge ruled she
didn’t satisfy the undue hardship test because one year she had earned an extra
thousand Dollars and had not paid any of it towards her student loans!!!??!!!
The court noted
that she might be eligible for a Federal Loan Student Consolidation Program in
which she would not be required to make ANY payment as long as her income
didn’t increase! Then, in 25 years the loan would be forgiven!
see . . . she’s 45 now . . . in 25 years she’ll be 70. Then she’ll get her
fresh start! Really? She might even be
able by then to retrain and get a job that pays enough for her to live on, AND
pay those student loans she’ll need to get the re-training she’ll need to get a
job that will pay enough to cover it all! (Maybe you’d like to help her out by
guaranteeing her new student loans since her credit will still be in the can
and she won’t have enough income to qualify otherwise!)
At a
time when Student Loan Debt AND default has reached critical mass, this Judge
has raised the bar even higher. Lack of employment opportunities that pay
enough to retire the debt that was supposed to provide the means to pay the
loans (which now are exceeded only by mortgage debt), has sentenced student loan
borrowers (and in many cases their parents and even grandparents) to a life of
indentured servitude to the government. (Or to the private investors who buy
these loans!) Instead of Guaranteed student loans, we now have GUARANTEED
more information? Contact Jon L. Martin- Chair at 772 419 0057. Better yet, if
you’d like to change this before YOU end up the same, write your Congressman
and your Senator to amend the bankruptcy code to allow discharge of student
loans in Bankruptcy. It’s YOUR problem too!
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